Your beams Calendar Health Score

What is your Calendar Health Score

Your Calendar Health Score helps you answer the question of how healthy your work routines are every day. It's here to help you make the most of your time and mindful productivity.
Ever wonder how the beams Web App’s Calendar Health Score works its magic? Let's take a friendly dive into what makes up this score and how it’s crafted! This blog post aims to dissect and explain how this complex score is calculated, delving deep into the constituents of the score and their sub-score functions.

Key Factors and Maximum Sub-Scores

The beams Calendar Health Score is calculated based on several significant factors. Each of these factors contributes a maximum sub-score that adds up to a total maximum score of 10:
  1. Total Meeting Time (Max Sub-Score: 3): How much time of your workday you spend in meetings
  1. Total Solo Work Time (Solo Work + beams Focus Time) (Max Sub-Score: 3): How many hours of your workday you’ve blocked for yourself and/or used the beams focus time feature
  1. Total Free Time (Max Sub-Score: 1): How much time of your workday is unscheduled
  1. Number of Back-to-Back Meetings (Max Sub-Score: 2): How many meetings are back to back i.e. without any break (one meeting directly followed by another one without a breaks is considered 1)
  1. Number of Recurring Meetings (Max Sub-Score: 1): How many meetings are regular recurring ones
Also, having a jam-packed day? Overworking (extending your working hours) could slide in a penalty to your score.

Score Calculation: The Sub-Score Functions

The Calendar Health Score varies between 0 and 10:
  • 7.5 or higher: Optimal, looks like you will have a mindfully productive day.
  • 5.0-7.4: Good, your day looks just fine.
  • Under 4.9: Pay attention, there’s room for improvement in your calendar today.
To intelligently influence the overall score, each factor is given a specific “sub-score function”. These functions are piecewise, exhibiting different behaviors within different intervals of the input domain. Here is an example of one such function:

Important Considerations:

Interdependence of Factors

In practice, each factor doesn’t exist in a world of its own; they all influence each other. More meeting hours might mean kissing some solo work hours or free time goodbye. The sub-score functions were designed to acknowledge and adjust for these inherent relationships, ensuring that the overall Calendar Health Score accurately reflects the dynamics of your daily schedule.

Intuitive Function Crafting for Each Factor

Creating sub-score functions is a thoughtful process where we balance precise math with practical insights on managing time and staying productive. We draw inspiration from numerous articles and studies that focus on enhancing productivity and well-being, offering a rich reservoir of knowledge and tips.

Personal Goals Feature

Say hello to setting personal goals! With this fresh feature, users can influence the shapes of the piecewise functions, thereby altering the score based on individual preferences and goals. By setting personal objectives, users can tailor the Calendar Health Score to more accurately align with their unique scheduling needs and productivity targets.


Each day, the beams provides users with handy suggestions and links to valuable resources aimed at improving areas like meeting time or solo work. In this way, the Calendar Health Score isn't just a static metric; it’s a flexible, supportive tool designed to guide users towards a more balanced and effective daily schedule.


The beams Calendar Health Score isn’t just a fancy number; it’s a compass guiding you through your day, helping you balance and conquer. With a grasp of its workings and the power to set personal goals, you’re all set for a smoother, more productive ride through your schedule! 🚀
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